Sunday, January 8, 2012


Please forgive me for being so absent on this blog these past few months... it's been a busy year so far!

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord, bringing us to the end of the Christmas Season.
The Gospel today is Matthew's familiar account of the magi (kings? wise men? astrologers?  It doesn't make too much difference what words you use; the point of the feast is that Jesus came for people all over the earth- and the ones 'wise' enough to recognize this and seek him out can't help but respond in worship, and leave a changed person). The gifts they bring- gold, frankincense and myrrh are symbolic: gold for Jesus' divinity, frankincense in recognition of his priestly mission of sacrifice and healing and myrrh for his mortality.

Do you have a manger scene in your home during the Christmas Season? When I was little, we'd start the kings out on the other side of the room from the creche, and move them closer each day until the big arrival on Epiphany! If you don't already, is there some way next year that you can celebrate the entire Christmas Season in your family?

For today, maybe you and your child(ren) could read the Gospel story and talk about what gifts each of YOU would bring to Jesus. Perhaps it's something tangible.. a toy they're willing to share, or a blanket to keep him warm, but I wonder if they have a 'gift' -- something they are good at, or some positive behavior, that can be connected to making Jesus happy by our good use of what God has given us in the first place?

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